Michael Nardone

Michael Nardone
[email protected]
Thu, 06/27/2024 - 17:11
Never settling on a single genre, practice or mode, Nardone’s works often explore and experiment within histories of literature, techniques of embodied performance, and cultures of mediation.
His recent and forthcoming works include Aural Poetics (an edited work on sound and composition across the arts), Convivialities (a book of dialogues), Yellow Towel: A Score (a collaboration with choreographer Dana Michel), the Documents on Expanded Poetics book series (which he co-edits), The Tranatlantic Conversation (a translation of Abigail Lang’s monograph on contemporary French and US poetry), The Ritualites (a book of poems), as well as a range of essays and editorial works concerning the literary arts and other inscriptive practices.
Formerly a postdoctoral fellow with the Research Chair in Digital Textualities at the Université de Montréal and a visiting fellow at the Center for Programs in Contemporary Writing at the University of Pennsylvania, Nardone is Media Historian at Antimodular, the research studio of artist Rafael Lozano-Hemmer.
As a SETI writer-in-residence, Nardone will focus on a set of issues concerning exolinguistics, exomusicology, and the cultural politics of communications with extraterrestrial intelligence, while considering their implications for the history of the book.
Artist in Residence
[email protected]
- 2025
Writer and Editor
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