Maryland’s 2024 Winter Turkey Season Opens Jan. 18

Maryland Department of Natural Resources photo
Maryland hunters who did not harvest a turkey during the fall will have another chance to do so during winter season, which runs statewide from Jan. 18-20. Hunting hours are from one half-hour before sunrise to one half-hour after sunset. The bag limit is one turkey of either sex.
“The winter season provides a great opportunity for hunters to enjoy the outdoors during a time of year when hunting seasons are winding down,” Maryland Department of Natural Resources Wildlife and Heritage Service Director Karina Stonesifer said. “The winter season offers hunters a unique opportunity to get one last hunt in before spring.”
During the winter turkey season, hunters may only use shotguns loaded with No. 4 shot or smaller, crossbows, vertical bows, or airguns that shoot arrows or bolts.
Hunters are reminded that it is illegal to hunt turkeys with the aid of bait. Successful hunters are required to check in their harvest via phone at 888-800-0121, online, or via the department’s mobile app.
The Maryland Guide to Hunting and Trapping provides information about winter turkey hunting, including season open dates and regulations.
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