Why Is A Backwards Baseball Hat So Sexy?

— Las Vegas Review-Journal/Tribune News Service/Getty ImagesWhen it comes to accessories, there is probably nothing quite as ubiquitous as the humble baseball hat. Second only to sunglasses, it’s an item that has stood the test of time for men’s preferred form of sun protection. And while there’s nothing cooler than a man grinning at you behind a sharp pair of aviators, there’s actually nothing hornier than a man wearing a baseball hat… backwards.But why backwards, specifically?Firstly, it’s a little rebellious. This hot little shake-up will never go out of style. It’s the sartorial equivalent of a guy who rides a motorcycle to work but takes his mom out for brunch once a week. It’s sweet and salty, like the expensive trail mix that has both pistachios and yogurt chips. It’s Mr.Darcy’s haughty smolder undercut by Mr. Bingley’s good-natured candor. To quote Taylor Swift, it’s basically the energy of a “tattooed Golden Retriever.”Secondly, it’s low effort. The backwards hat is the male equivalent of a messy bun. It’s not something you put a lot of thought into, and it’s probably something you’re wearing to be comfortable rather than attractive. But what is hotter than being comfortable in one’s skin? Absof*ckinglutely nothing. Bonus points if I see a man briefly take off his backwards hat, run his hands through his hair, and then put it back on. If I make eye contact with a man who does this, I’m telling my friends we’re engaged. — Warner Bros.Unlike so many ways that men try to make themselves more attractive, a backwards hat requires zero effort. It’s not about rocking an impeccably tailored suit, or getting a fresh haircut and beard trim, or finding a really sexy pair of glasses. He’s not trying to do anything at all. Maybe the only reason he flipped that hat around is because he wanted to protect the back of his neck from the sun — but it’s making me feel all kinds of toasty. It’s definitely on the syllabus of the “I woke up like this” school of hotness. If you take a walk on a sunny day, chances are you’ll encounter several men rocking this style and I guarantee you none of them thought “the ladies at Trader Joe’s are gonna absolutely salivate about me” before heading out the door.And finally, something about a man in a backwards hat indicates to me that he is working on a little task, which I personally find very hot — acts of service, anyone? Maybe he was gardening and had to run out to Home Depot to get more of your favorite flowers. Or he took the dog for a walk so you could do a Peloton ride. He told you to stay in bed while he runs out to pick up that vintage mirror you found on Facebook Marketplace. Basically, he’s gotta leave the house and run a little errand that makes your life more wonderful. At least, that’s what I’m imagining every time I see a backwards hat in the wild.
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