33 Funny "Would You Rather" Questions To Liven Up The Party

— Westend61/Westend61/Getty ImagesAs the game we’ve all played since our debuts on this earth, Would You Rather is as thought-provoking now as it was when we were asking each other “Would you rather be able to fly or turn invisible?” in the second grade. Only now we get to do so over a big ole glass of red and err on the side of unhinged, adult, and 100% goofy. Nearly anything can be turned into a party game, and having some funny “would you rather” questions up your sleeve for your next gathering will have everyone busting guts and deeply contemplating the most irrelevant and implausible — albeit entertaining — queries. As you get deeper into the game, the defenses only get stronger and more heated — especially when there are cute little cocktails to go with your cute little questions. There’s truly nothing like witnessing someone take their heart and soul to stand on why having lettuce for hair is much more desirable than having carrot fingers. While all of these funny “would you rather” questions will make you chuckle, these goofy prompts cover everything from absurd to downright impossible to answer. Below, find 37 of the funniest questions for your next game of Would You Rather.Best Funny “Would You Rather” QuestionsWould you rather fight 500 ostriches or one T-rex?Would you rather have to sniff someone’s butt to greet them or have them sniff yours to greet you?Would you rather always have an eyelash in your eye or always have a hair in your butt crack?Would you rather smell good but look like you smell bad or smell bad but look like you smell good?Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck?Would you rather turn into a dolphin every time you swim or a bird every time you jump?Would you rather have all your dreams live-streamed on Instagram or have your most embarrassing moments go viral on TikTok?Would you rather have oven mitts for arms or cucumbers for legs?Would you rather your hands shrink like a cotton shirt in the drier when you get hot or have them deflate into boneless flesh balloons when you get cold?Would you rather have a toe the size of a foot or a finger the size of a hand?Would you rather turn into E.T. or an alien from Space Jam every night?Would you rather be as tall as you are wide or as wide as you are tall?Would you rather have to swim everywhere you go or bear crawl?Would you rather have to shake hands with yourself every time you meet someone or offer your foot to them as a handshake?Would you rather steam out of your ears like a train every time you’re mad or bark like a dog when you’re excited?Gross Funny “Would You Rather” Questions — Westend61/Westend61/Getty ImagesWould you rather never use toothpaste again or deodorant again?Would you rather have sticky fingers forever or dusty Cheeto fingers forever?Would you rather eat a tube of chapstick for breakfast every morning or eat every bug you see for the rest of your life?Would you rather sweat maple syrup or cry Fanta soda?Would you rather have to eat your used Band-Aids or never wash your hair?Would you rather have an ear for a mouth or have mouths for ears?Would you rather be baby-birded by a stranger every time you eat or only eat cat food for the rest of your life?Toughest Funny “Would You Rather” Questions — Westend61/Westend61/Getty ImagesWould you rather have the hiccups every day for the rest of your life or feel like you have to sneeze but be unable to for the rest of your life?Would you rather have an extra arm or an extra leg?Would you rather use eye drops made of vinegar or toilet paper made of sandpaper?Would you rather know when you’re going to lose a finger or know how you’re going to lose a finger?Would you rather be without elbows or be without knees?Would you rather be covered in scales or be covered in fur?Would you rather never know where you’re going or never know what time you’re leaving?Would you rather have to speak in rhymes or riddles for the rest of your life?Would you rather have someone 24/7 live screaming your every thought or have everything you do live-streamed on Instagram?Would you rather have your arms dangle to the floor because they’re really long or because you’re really short?Would you rather hop everywhere or skip everywhere?
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