Here’s Why What’s Happening in Venezuela Isn’t About Authoritarianism…

When it comes to what’s happening in Venezuela, facts matter. No one claiming Maduro stole the election has provided any proof. Not a single piece. So, I’ve put together some irrefutable facts about what the CIA have done in the past in the region and are certainly doing today.
After all, the best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour.
Brazil: The CIA supported the 1964 coup that overthrew President João Goulart and installed a right-wing military dictatorship.
Bolivia: The CIA was involved in a coup in 1971 that toppled President Juan José Torres.
Chile: The CIA played a role in the 1973 coup that overthrew President Salvador Allende.
Argentina: The CIA supported the 1976 coup that ousted the democratically elected government and ushered in a brutal military dictatorship.
Ecuador: The CIA conducted covert operations in the country between 1960 and 1963.
Panama: The CIA supported the 1989 invasion that overthrew General Manuel Noriega.
Haiti: The CIA supported the 1991 coup that overthrew President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.
Venezuela: The CIA was involved in the 2002 coup attempt against President Hugo Chávez. And today in Venezuela, what do you believe is actually happening?
Why bother with a piss poor country?
You may recall the Donald’s statements after the 2019 failed US-led coup where he stated that the US could have “taken over” Venezuela and “would have gotten all that oil” if his administration had succeeded in its efforts to oust the Venezuelan government. Trump expressed frustration that, instead of controlling Venezuela’s oil, the U.S. is now purchasing oil from the country, which he described as enriching a “dictator.” At least the Donald doesn’t pretend it’s about “democracy,” which is refreshing.
So here we have the real answer. And keep in mind that I’m no fan of the current Venezuelan crew. Maduro’s a thug, but importantly he’s not the US deep state’s thug. The US is fine with thugs — prefers them, actually — but they need to be “their thug.”
It’s not that the US needs oil. It has plenty of its own, but controlling the global supply does two things. One, it allows for control, but the other is that the USD is tied to oil as it’s priced in oil. The Venezuelans have been naughty boys and have been selling their oil to other naughty countries that the West doesn’t like and in currencies outside of the USD. The mechanisms for controlling this crucial trade have been both coups, outright war, and, of course, sanctions.
With the value of USD linked to the value of oil at a time when demand for dollars may be falling, controlling oil supplies means you can largely affect the value of the USD. Consider that when oil prices rise, countries need more dollars to purchase oil, thus increasing demand for the currency. This maintains the dollar dominance.
In 2007, when Venezuela nationalised its oil industry, taking control of the country’s oil reserves and kicking out US oil companies led to panic.
Why? Because before nationalisation, US oil companies had total control over Venezuela’s oil industry. They were extracting oil under concession agreements, which gave them all the profit and also control over production.
After nationalising its oil industry, Venezuela continued to sell oil to various countries, including India and China… until Trump’s crushing sanctions in 2017.
Apart from oil, the US saw Venezuela’s influence in uniting South America with regional organisations like the Bolivarian Alliance (ALBA) and CELAC as a threat aimed to reduce its economic and political influence.
Unsurprisingly, the Bolivarian Alliance declined due to the DEATH OF KEY LEADERS, coup/government changes, and a lack of consensus (bribery and threats by the US documented) among member countries.
Another reason for US obsession with Venezuela is its role in building a multipolar world even before it became mainstream. It has forged alliances with other power centres like China, Russia, Iran, and India.
Anyway, with all this in mind, the current Venezuelan government is a threat to US interests, and they want it replaced with a puppet government such as Ukraine currently has, which is more aligned with US policies.
After Maduro’s victory, you will now be treated to a Western media blitz trial over the legitimacy of the Venezuelan election results, his fascist regime, Venezuelan economic degradation, and human rights violations. Blah, blah, blah. I could write the script for it so easily because it’s the same every time.
When I left, Venezuela was ready to collapse. We would have taken it over, we would have gotten all that oil.
Donald Trump
My good friend Nick put it well:
It seems to me there are no good guys in the Venezuela drama.
It’s a choice between an obvious CIA/Mossad stooge vs. an economically illiterate strong man.
The problem they have with Maduro is not that he is a “dictator” or a socialist/communist.
The US does business and is friends with plenty of dictators, like Sisi in Egypt, Abdallah in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the Gulf states, etc etc.
The US also does business with Vietnam, China, and plenty of other socialist and communist regimes.
So those are not the real reasons the US hates the Venezuelan government and has tried to overthrow it repeatedly since Chavez came to power in 1999. (Remember the hapless Juan Guido who they tried to pathetically impose as the real president?)
The real reason they hate Venezuela is because it exists outside of the cabal’s orbit and is explicitly not aligned with Israel or their nefarious global agenda.
That doesn’t make Maduro and Chavez “good guys” it is just recognizing the power dynamic that exists.
Personally, I hope the Zionists’ global cabal AND Maduro BOTH fail.
Too bad for Latinos that their only realistic choice (aside from Bukele) is a cabal stooge or a communist strong man.
Maybe Bukelism will spread and give Latinos a genuine 3rd option.
Here’s a handy tip. For us to know what is actually going on, we can begin with watching what the mainstream media allow or promote. This is true by the way of Western and non-Western media alike. I’m not taking sides here. We should treat them all as propaganda arms. The only level of validity lies in independent journalism. Gratefully, that arena is exploding — just look at the success of Substack to confirm how people are flooding to independent journalism.
Anyway, they want you to think what’s happening in Venezuela is about “authoritarianism.” It’s not.
It’s about who ultimately controls more than $14 trillion in mineral resources — a national government or Western globalist bankster elites?
It’s about which geopolitical bloc will gain access and influence over these resources — the Western global financial empire or the emerging BRICS trading system?
What’s happening in Venezuela is part of a broader historical struggle between national movements and a system that condemns them to perpetual underdevelopment as cheap exporters to Western oligarch cartels like Blackrock and ExxonMobil.
“Democracy” and “authoritarianism” are slogans that Western gangsters use as cudgels whenever their material interests are threatened.
The best way to think about this is not in terms of black and white or good and evil. But realise that those who aspire to and gain power are typically not the best people. Sometimes (often), they’re complete narcissistic psychopaths. This should be your default when viewing any information flows. Why am I seeing this? Who is promoting it? How do they benefit from it? Those simple questions will reveal a lot to you and keep you from being herded like good little sheep into a “us vs them” box.
That’s where they want you.
Editor’s Note: The Western system is undergoing substantial changes, and the signs of moral decay, corruption, and increasing debt are impossible to ignore. With the Great Reset in motion, the United Nations, World Economic Forum, IMF, WHO, World Bank, and Davos man are all promoting a unified agenda that will affect us all.
To get ahead of the chaos, download our free PDF report “Clash of the Systems: Thoughts on Investing at a Unique Point in Time” by clicking here.
The post Here’s Why What’s Happening in Venezuela Isn’t About Authoritarianism… appeared first on Doug Casey's International Man.
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