Political Prisoner James Elliott Did What He Could to Help Injured Patriots on January 6, Now He Sits Behind Bars – Please Help This Man’s Young Family

James Robert Elliot Sr., Jim Bob, was sentenced to more than three years in prison, four months of supervised release, and ordered to pay $2,000 in restitution to the Architect of the Capitol for being in DC on January 6th to protest.
Amidst the chaos of that day, as police fired rubber bullets and gas indiscriminately into the crowd, Jim Bob did what he could to help his fellow patriots by treating minor wounds, washing eyes, helping to keep people from getting trampled, and leading others to safety.
Jim Bob, who is the father of five-year-old twins, recently wrote to The Gateway Pundit.
To my Fellow Patriots,
My name is James Elliott Sr. I am a devoted husband to my wife Jessica and a loving father to my twin 5-year-olds, James Jr and my sweet Annabelle. I am the oldest of six kids with a mother and father who have been nothing but supportive.
Over the years, my father, Mike, and my mother, Cindy, forged my siblings and me with a strong work ethic, noble Christian values, and a faith as strong as iron with enough Patriotism to match. So now here I am, 26 years old with a beautiful wife and 2 crazy kids of my own, but I’m locked in a prison in Kentucky, stolen from my loved ones, all ultimately because of my political beliefs.
At this point, my story isn’t an unheard-of one. I went to DC because of many reasons. I believe the election was stolen. I believe the Bidens are a corrupt family, and many of us saw the disaster of his Presidency WELL before he took office. Like many other J6ers, I got caught up in the chaos, and though all of my decisions were, I believe, made with the best intentions, not all of my decisions were the best ones. However, I was able to help protect MANY other Patriots there, treating minor wounds, washing eyes, helping keep people from getting trampled, and leading others to safety.
**Please help Jim Bob here.**
I was shot with rubber bullets, pepper sprayed, tear gassed, and flash banged, and even got hit in the noggen with a tear gas canister. All while trying to aid those around me. The NEWS and liberal media smeared me after my arrest in December of 2021, being called an “extremist,” a “domestic terrorist,” “a racist,” “a violent threat to my community,” and so many other hot-button words we have all heard to the point of exhaustion.
I’m a tow truck driver for a company just outside of Chicago and did my utmost best to be an upstanding member of my society and my community, doing my best to support not only my family but also to help support my parents’ household as well while my father fights many health issues, issues extending from his fight with stomach cancer.
I have no criminal history, not even a speeding ticket to my name, and yet here I am, 37 months in federal prison, locked in with drug dealers and sex offenders because we stood in defiance. We are guilty of the ultimate crime of disagreeing, standing, and together saying, “No, I do not accept your lies. Recount that vote,” and they have stolen 3 years of my life for it.
**Please help Jim Bob here.**
I have lost a lot since the start of this: the money my wife and I had saved, the small amount of faith I had left in the system, even my Patriotism took a huge hit, but most importantly, I have lost time. The time I have been forced away from my wife and kids that I will never get back is a hole in my heart.
No father should have to hear his daughter say, “Don’t you even like us anymore Daddy?” No little girl should have that fear. Or to have my son ask, “Why can’t you come home, Dad?” No son should know that doubt.
Trying to dispel that kind of fear is hard in person let alone over a phone call… My children turned 5 on February 7th, this is such an important time in their lives. They have already grown so much in the 8 months I’ve been away, and here I sit, being a father over the phone for 15 minutes a night before I have to put my stripes back on and continue the fight to get back home. I miss them so badly. They are so young still, but I pray that even though they don’t understand yet, I hope one day, they will see what I have done and be proud of me.
I’m so grateful for the love and support of my beautiful wife, and I pray that my family can stay strong and know that we are all in God’s hands and that this is all happening for a reason.
I pray for my fellow J6ers and their families, and I pray for our country.
America and her people aren’t done fighting yet.
Thank you for reading me ramble on for a while.
Thank you for all your support and all that you do.
Please pray for my family.
Good luck to all my fellow J6ers, the lord is with us. I pray he helps us go home soon.
God Bless America
God Bless Us All – JimBob Proverbs 17:17
**Please help Jim Bob here.**
Jim Bob’s wife, Jessica, added, “Thank you so much for any help you can provide our family.”
The post Political Prisoner James Elliott Did What He Could to Help Injured Patriots on January 6, Now He Sits Behind Bars – Please Help This Man’s Young Family appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
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