Jason Vorhees and Agent Smith Join the MultiVersus Roster

The launch trailer for IP brawler MultiVersus shows off more new faces in the game, including the iconic villains of The Matrix and Friday the 13ths series.
The end of the launch trailer sees recently revealed roster addition The Joker sitting on The Iron Throne from Game of Thrones, facing off against hero characters from MultiVersus, but then he pulls in Jason Voorhees and Agent Smith, with four other mysterious characters teasingly materializing behind them as the trailer ends.
MultiVersus Launch Trailer
It was only last week that a Jason Universe was revealed for the Friday the 13th franchise, with promises of Voorhees showing up in all sorts of formats, including video games. There was already a hint of Jason appearing in Fortnite at some point, too.
Hopefully, Jason’s return to video games will be less troubled than last time, when a rights squabble killed off titles such as Friday the 13th: The Game and Killer Puzzle.
While Agent Smith hasn’t really made any gaming appearances since The Matrix: The Path of Neo, some Matrix bits and bobs did show up in Fortnite, though sadly, not any character skins.
Player First Games’ MultiVersus enjoyed a fairly successful open beta period, launching in July 2022 before closing out with a bit of a whimper. It’s hoping to come back strong, running on Unreal Engine 5, bringing new gameplay features and more characters from Warner Bros. extensive roster (if it hasn’t already decided to sell them off for kindling, of course).
MultiVersus already features characters from Adventure Time, Game of Thrones, Rick and Morty, DC Comics, and Gremlins, amongst others.
MultiVersus will be free-to-play on all modern consoles and PCs on May 28, 2024.
The post Jason Vorhees and Agent Smith Join the MultiVersus Roster appeared first on ComingSoon.net - Movie Trailers, TV & Streaming News, and More.
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