Deported Terrorist Speaks to Hamas-Endorsed Encampment at University of Chicago

Deported terrorist Sami Al Arian was invited to speak to the Hamas-endorsed anti-Israel protesters at the University of Chicago.
Al Arian, a former University of South Florida professor, was indicted in February 2003 on 17 counts under the Patriot Act. A jury acquitted him on eight counts and deadlocked on the remaining nine counts. He later struck a plea bargain and admitted to one of the remaining charges in exchange for being released and deported. He was deported to Turkey on February 4, 2015.
Al-Arian was accused of aiding terrorists. In February 2003, he was charged with racketeering for Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ).
The Gateway Pundit reported that his wife, Nahla Al-Najar, was pictured protesting at Columbia University campus.
UChicago United for Palestine, which organized the campus encampment, announced Al Arian’s participation in a Zoom meeting on their Instagram.
”Today, we will have the honour of being joined by Dr. Sami Al Arian, a former professor of computer engineering, prominent speaker and human rights activist and US political prisoner,” the group wrote. “Dr. Al Arian has since relocated to Turkey, where he is the Director of the Center for Islam and Global Affairs (CIGA) at Istanbul Zaim University.”
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From The Geller Report:
If the Palestinian Arabs really wanted a state, they would have accepted one of the many offers that have been made to them to establish one, going back to 1948. What they really want to do is destroy Israel utterly, in accord with the succinct Qur’anic command: “Drive them out from where they drove you out” (2:191). It is actually a historical myth that the Israelis drove the Arabs out; the Arab Higher Committee told them to leave, but that fact has been obscured by decades of propaganda. Now, however, no less a luminary than Sami al-Arian, a former U.S. academic and darling of the Left, has revealed the truth: the goal of the Palestinian jihad is not a Palestinian state, but the demise of the Jewish state.
Speaking on Al Jazeera on July 30, al-Arian said: “In my view, the Palestinian cause is not about creating a state, like everybody says. It is not about a one-state solution or a two-state solution. The Palestinian cause has to do with the very presence of Zionism in the region. Therefore, our greatest strategic goal, in the meantime, we can take steps, but the greatest strategic goal is to dismantle the State of Israel, which means uprooting Zionism from Palestine.”
Al-Arian has been quite clear about his views for decades. In 1991, during a speech in Chicago, al-Arian screamed: “The Quran is our constitution. Jihad is our path … Victory to Islam… Death to Israel… Revolution… revolution till the victory.” Showing he hadn’t changed, in mid-December 2020, al-Arian spoke via Zoom at the Fourth International Conference on the Muslim Ummah. There al-Arian also called for “defeating and dismantling the Zionist project,” adding: “We cannot pursue an ummah project without actually attaining our real independence. We cannot attain our real independence without dealing with the problem of Israel….As long as Israel exists, the ummah will stay weak and fragmented, and disunited and divided and dependent and under control.”
Many have warned that the protests on college campuses have nefarious elements behind the scenes pushing their radical agenda.
Leaders have raised the alarm on who is lurking in the shadows of these protests, including New York City Mayor Eric Adams.
Adams has alleged that protests at Columbia University and City College of New York (CCNY) were infiltrated by “outside agitators” affiliated with “terrorist groups.”
In an interview with Vladimir Duthiers on CBS Morning, Adams detailed the city’s response to the chaotic scenes that unfolded at both institutions, where nearly 300 individuals were arrested Tuesday night.
“These were not spontaneous student movements but calculated disruptions by professional agitators,” Adams explained, noting that a significant portion of those arrested had no affiliations with either university.
Officials at Stanford University sent a picture of a protestor on their campus wearing a green headband, similar to what is worn by Hamas terrorists, to the FBI.
Those cheering on the anti-Israel protests include Hamas leaders and Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
Three things you need to know about what’s happening on college campuses right now:
1) It’s not peaceful.
2) it’s not grassroots.
3) It’s not true.
Let me explain.
— Noa Tishby (@noatishby) May 2, 2024
One bright spot in the mess on U of C’s campus is that not everyone at the school is a brainwashed terrorist sympathizer.
Counter-protestors marched on campus with Old Glory flying while chanting “USA, USA, USA…..”
Patriots at University of Chicago break up the path of the pro-Palestine protesters and waive the American Flag.
This trend is spreading!
There’s hope!
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) May 3, 2024
NEW: Counter protesters are blasting ‘Born in the USA’ while waving their USA flags at the University of Chicago.
The Chads are taking over the country
Tensions grew on Friday as a group of frat bros marched on the university with USA flags, chanting “USA, USA, USA” at…
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) May 3, 2024
The post Deported Terrorist Speaks to Hamas-Endorsed Encampment at University of Chicago appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
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