Your 2024 Love Horoscope Says You’re in For Your Sexiest Romance Yet

This year, your love horoscope is bringing plenty of flirting, dreamy romance into your life. Right now, Pluto, the planet of transformation, is in quirky Aquarius until Sept. 1. This astrological transit is helping you break away from conventional dating standards and spice up your routine. Then, Saturn, the planet of commitment, continues to move through empathic Pisces all year, sending the message that self-work and self-healing is a prerequisite for a fulfilling, long-term relationship.
Later, lucky Jupiter will enter Gemini on May 25 for a year, fueling extra lively conversation on date nights with your parter or, potentially, a heightened appetite for swiping around. Plus, eclipses in self-focused Aries and partnership-oriented Libra indicate a 2024 love horoscope that's packed with massive changes for one-on-one bonds.
See what the next year has in store for your love life with your 2024 love horoscope. For the most accurate info, be sure to read your zodiac sign and rising sign.
Love Horoscope for Aries 2024 (March 20-April 19)
Aries, your love horoscope is bringing you eye-opening changes for all of your closest relationships - including the super-important one you have with yourself that of course serves as the foundation for your one-on-one bonds. For the rest of the year, expect a shakeup to pop up around Oct. 2. This date marks milestones in an ongoing narrative about your sense of self and your partnerships - romantic, yes, but also platonic and professional - that continues into spring 2025.
Mercury's retrogrades this year will also prove useful for self-reflection and reimagining your love life, particularly its trip back through your fifth house of romance and self-expression from Aug. 12 to 28. Retracing your steps and recreating a cherished memory with your current S.O. or taking a walk down memory lane by paging through old photo albums or even reconnecting with someone from the past could send sparks flying.
Slowing down in order to fulfill your desires might feel counterintuitive, but it's definitely a theme for you this year, especially as 2024 wraps up with your ruling planet, go-getter Mars, moving backward through your fifth house of romance from Dec. 6 to Jan. 6, 2025, which could initially have you feeling stuck when it comes to building romantic momentum but is also an opportunity to do internal work that can ultimately get you exactly where you want to be.
Love Horoscope for Taurus 2024 (April 20-May 20)
For the rest of this year, you have the opportunity to feel even more connected to someone special, Taurus. For starters, on April 20, when Jupiter, the planet of fortune, and Uranus, the planet of electrifying change, met up for the first time since 2011 in your sign, it kicked off a whole new optimistic era for you. Because they were paired up in your first house of self, which sits across from and activates your seventh house of partnership, your love horoscope showed the beginning of an inspiring, game-changing story about your relationship with yourself and a partner.
Jupiter magnifies Uranus's bold shakeups, so hopefully you leaned into seemingly wild shifts - like starting a creative new business with your S.O., planning major long-distance travel with a partner or in hopes of meeting someone special, or even exploring a different approach to relationships (like settling down or embracing ethical nonmonogamy).
From now to May 23, Venus, the planet of relationships and beauty - not to mention your planetary ruler - will be in your sign and first house of self, marking one of the most blissful moments of the year for attracting whatever you've been craving romantically. If you're single, this is a time to get extra clear on the relationship of your dreams and if you're attached, voicing your desires to your S.O. can result in feeling truly satisfied.
And while messenger Mercury spends extra time in your fifth house of romance - thanks to a retrograde there - from July 25 to Aug. 12 and Sept. 9 to 26, you'll be compelled to reflect on what would bring you the most happiness and how owning your voice and desires can make that a reality.
Love Horoscope for Gemini 2024 (May 21-June 20)
When it comes to your love horoscope the rest of this year, you'll be navigating uncharted terrain, Gemini, thanks to significant planetary shifts lighting up your fifth house of romance, eleventh house of long-term wishes, and first house of self. Being true to yourself is the key to feeling like reveling in the kind of fun, creativity, and romance you could only have dreamed about years ago.
This year also marks expansive Jupiter's move into your sign - something that hasn't happened since 2012-2013 - from May 25 on, which can crank up the volume on your optimism, enthusiasm, and self-confidence - all of which are sure to make you even more attractive and magnetic to your significant other, if you're attached, or potential partners, if you're single. You'll feel like you can be even bolder about saying what you want, so spell it out, whether by telling someone special what you need more of in your relationship or sharing your vision of an ideal connection on your app profiles.
At the end of the year, from Nov. 25 to Dec. 15, Mercury, the planet of communication and your planetary ruler, will move backward through your seventh house of partnership, serving up blasts from the past, whether that's the opportunity to recreate a particularly magical date or the chance to re-imagine exactly what you want out of your closest one-on-one relationship.
Love Horoscope for Cancer 2024 (June 21-July 22)
Though you tend to be a bit of a homebody who prioritizes comfort and familiarity, your love horoscope in 2024 is setting up to be a fairly thrilling year for your love life, Cancer. That's in part due to the fact that a new eclipse series is kicking off, activating your ninth house of adventure. This sector of your chart has been a focus recently in a very different way: taskmaster Saturn has been there since last spring, requiring that you find more clarity around your ideals and spiritual aspirations, which could ultimately change what kind of relationship - or partner - you're aiming for or actively nurturing.
And around Sept. 17, when the lunar eclipse hits your ninth house, you'll feel like it's finally time to spread your wings and get out of what you know. If you're single, you might be open to meeting someone outside of your usual type, and if you're attached, you could be blazing new trails with your partner, kicking off a chapter of your life together that feels totally different from anything you've experienced before as a couple.
The time around your birthday season - specifically, June 16 to July 11 - is also a gorgeous highlight for your love life, thanks to relationship-oriented Venus moving through your sign and first house of self, making you a magnet for pleasure and romance. You can also look forward to Sept. 22 to Oct. 17 when Venus will be in your fifth house of romance, cranking up your appetite for flirting, spontaneity, and channeling what's in your heart into creative outlets.
Love Horoscope for Leo 2024 (July 23-Aug. 22)
While you're generally pretty cozy with your sense of self, as a result of being ruled by the confidence-fueling sun, getting to know yourself even better is the fast track to being satisfied this year, Leo. This year, your love horoscope kicked off with messenger Mercury wrapping up a retrograde in your fifth house of romance and self-expression. This allowed you to tap into your creative impulses in order to feel more fulfilled emotionally.
Thanks to a retrograde, messenger Mercury spends even more time than usual in your sign and first house of self this year: from July 2 to 25 and Aug. 12 to Sept. 9. But leading up to these periods - and while Mercury is moving backward in your sign from Aug. 12 to 28 - you can lean into self-reflection around your relationship needs, which can have you feeling even more confident sharing what's on your mind and in your heart. Owning your voice and what you want out of your love life makes you even more charismatic and attractive to your current S.O. or a potential partner. You could see just how true this is once romantic Venus moves through your fifth house from Oct. 17 to Nov. 11.
The year wraps up with go-getter Mars moving backward through your sign from Dec. 6 to Jan. 6, 2025, nudging you to take your foot off the gas and chill out, which could actually give you a chance to rest and recharge so you have even more energy to pursue your passions and crank up the intensity of your most intimate relationship in 2025.
Love Horoscope for Virgo 2024 (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Your love horoscope in 2024 is looking to include big picture changes plus bolstered self-awareness and growth for your love life, Virgo. Saturn, the planet of commitment and boundaries, has been moving through your seventh house of partnership since last spring, bringing more structure to this part of your life. As it continues through this part of your chart, you could be inspired to be more clear about who you're dedicating your time and energy to and what that looks like. In other words, you'll likely have less tolerance for hookups or flings, if you're single, as they might be unfulfilling now. And if you're in a relationship, you want to lay even more solid foundations and more seriously pursue shared goals with your S.O.
Over the summer, thanks to a retrograde there, your ruling planet, messenger Mercury will be in your sign for longer than usual - from July 25 to Aug. 12 and then again from Sept. 9 to 26 - offering a chance to meditate on your needs and then sharing them with someone special.
Around Sept. 17, when the lunar eclipse falls in your seventh house, you'll become extra conscious of the dynamics within a close one-on-one relationship - for better or worse. You could be saying goodbye to old ways of being in a pair, like saying no to situationships that aren't headed toward your ideal endgame or telling your long-time love that you need them to carry more of the mental load. This eclipse is part of a new series of lunar events that will tell a story about your sense of self, identity, and relationships over the course of the next two years, so you'll do well to steel yourself for ongoing shifts related to these themes.
Love Horoscope for Libra 2024 (Sept. 23-Oct 22)
Libra, buckle up for eye-opening realizations and transformation for your closest relationships - including the one you have with yourself - because the majority of 2024's game-changing eclipses fall in your sign or seventh house of partnership. Because of this, you'll feel empowered, strong, and possibly even prepared to embrace significant shake-ups in order to feel like you're moving toward the upshot you've been dreaming of. You cherish balance above pretty much everything else, so ensuring that you feel that within a close partnership is a must now.
On May 25, lucky Jupiter moves through your eighth house of emotional bonds and intimacy - where it's been since May 16, 2023 - amplifying your desires as well as abundance in this area of your life. It's time to embrace feeling a lot more satisfied in the bedroom, perhaps as a result of finding that perfect mix of chemistry and emotional compatibility.
From Aug. 29 to Sept. 22, relationship-oriented Venus, your ruling planet, moves through your sign, where its powers are heightened, and you'll be able to manifest whatever pleasurable, romantic experiences you've been meditating on. And expect even more spontaneity, flirtation, and lighthearted fun from Dec. 7 to Jan. 2, 2025, thanks to Venus spending time in your fifth house of romance and self-expression.
Love Horoscope for Scorpio 2024 (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
The spotlight is shining on your romantic - and sex - lives this year, Scorpio, thanks to major planetary action in those sectors of your chart. Saturn, the planet of commitment and boundaries, has been in your fifth house of romance and self-expression since last year, and as it continues its stay here, you're being encouraged to take a hard look at how you pursue fun and creativity and own your voice, especially with potential partners or your significant other.
According to your love horoscope, if you're single, you might feel like you're in the midst of tough lessons about dating, but take heart that what you learn will only lead to more satisfying connections. If you're attached, you could be doing some challenging but ultimately fulfilling self-work around how you're receiving and expressing love. Working on self-love is a major theme now, too.
On May 25, lucky Jupiter shifts into your eighth house of intimacy for about a year, magnifying your appetite - and the potential - for more transformative sexual experiences and the kind of bonding with a partner that's fulfilling not only physically but spiritually and emotionally.
Then, around Sept. 17, when the first eclipse of a new series lights up your fifth house of romance, you'll be even more in tune with what you want in your heart of hearts. Now's a significant time to speak up, making this clear to a potential S.O. or your long-time love, and then working together to embrace change and move in a new direction.
Love Horoscope for Sagittarius 2024 (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Lots of expansive, shake-up-spurring action in your romance and partnership sectors is making your love horoscope a bit of a wild ride this year, Sagittarius. For starters, messenger Mercury will spend more time than usual in your fifth house of romance and self-expression as the result of a retrograde there this spring. From March 9 to May 15, you'll feel even more empowered than usual to speak from your heart and be extra playful and entertaining and fun-loving with a potential partner or your S.O. You might even be inspired to channel romantic, lighthearted feelings into a creative endeavor.
That said, feeling connected, seen, and heard will be even more important than usual to you. So if you feel like you're not getting that out of a particular relationship - whether casual or committed - you won't shy away from making changes that lead to living the ideal love life you've been envisioning.
Lucky Jupiter, your ruling planet, also makes a major move that will affect your love life this year. Beginning May 25, for about a year, the planet of abundance will move through your seventh house of partnership, expanding your appetite for more fulfillment out of a one-on-one relationship. If you're attached, this could be a thrilling time that sets the stage for taking your partnership to the next level, and if you're single, you could meet someone with whom you sync spiritually and philosophically and could really see a future with. This transit is absolutely a reason to say "yes" more.
Love Horoscope for Capricorn 2024 (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Get ready for inspiring new terrain that could take your love life in an exciting new direction this year, Capricorn. Your love horoscope predicts you'll be more apt to emphasize playfulness, fun, spontaneity - maybe even finding new ways to be creative and hit pause on work in order to be more present and mindful with your current S.O. or someone special. Though you're generally happy to take your time, putting one foot in front of the other to achieve any vision, you could be fired up now to embrace the philosophy of carpe diem, especially when it comes to dating or relaxing with your love.
From now to May 23, sweet Venus moves through your fifth house, adding even more oomph to this area of your life. Later on, during the summer, from June 16 to July 11, it'll make its annual appearance in your seventh house of partnership, bringing more harmony to your one-on-one bonds.
At the end of the year, from Dec. 6 to Jan. 6, 2025, action-oriented Mars will be retrograde in your eighth house of intimacy, which could be a chance to meditate on what really fires you up in the bedroom and how you can even more effectively pursue experiences that are satisfying physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Love Horoscope for Aquarius 2024 (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Though you tend to prefer to go with your head over your heart or your gut, Aquarius, your love horoscope is tuning you into your intuition. If you're single and hoping to meet someone special, you have a seriously huge planet on your side this year. Lucky Jupiter will be moving through your fifth house of romance and self-expression beginning May 25 for about a year, and the sky is really the limit when it comes to flirting, going out, meeting someone new, etc.
If you're attached, Jupiter could bring a lot of well-deserved magic, playfulness, and heart to your love life. And if you and your S.O. are trying to conceive, adopt, or even enjoy more heartfelt time with your child or other younger members of your family, the fifth house is also the sector of children, so you'll have an extra dose of luck there, too.
Two retrogrades will activate your seventh house of partnership: messenger Mercury from Aug. 12 to 28 and action-oriented Mars from Dec. 6 to Jan. 6, 2025. This might sound daunting, but is actually an opportunity to tie up loose ends and lean into self-reflection around how you're showing up within your one-on-one bonds - and how others are showing up for you. You could come away from both periods feeling more centered and clear.
Love Horoscope for Pisces 2024 (Feb. 19-March 20)
Welcome to a dynamic year full of potential to bring about fulfilling changes for your relationships, Pisces. Saturn, the planet of commitment and boundaries, has been moving through your sign and first house of self since last spring, and it will continue ahead here, encouraging you to hone in on your identity and how you feel about yourself.
Practicing self-compassion, fostering self-love, and caring for yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically more than usual now can be power moves that set the stage for gratifying partnership, according to your love horoscope. Whether you're single or attached, you'll find you can show up even more fully within a one-on-one bond by carving out more time to tend to your overall well-being.
Around Sept. 17, a new story related to these themes kicks off, thanks to the start of an eclipse series occurring in your first house of self and seventh house of partnership over the next two years. This can be a highly emotional moment that could spur unexpected shifts - which could be absolutely thrilling or nerve wracking, but either way, trust that this eclipse is serving a purpose in moving you forward in time - and further down your fated path.
And messenger Mercury will be in your seventh house of partnership for longer than usual - from July 25 to Aug. 12 and then again from Sept. 9 to 26 - offering you a clear runway for reflecting on and expressing your desires and goals alongside a potential partner or current S.O.
Your Yearly Horoscope 2024 Is Making You the Main Character
Maressa Brown is a journalist, author, and astrologer. Her areas of expertise include writing, reporting, and editing lifestyle, pop culture, and parenting content that's both conversational and substantive. In addition to contributing to POPSUGAR, she writes for a variety of consumer-facing publications including InStyle, Parents, and Shape, and was previously an editor at Cosmopolitan and CafeMom.
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