How to What Animal Am I

Kangaroos. Seals. Sloths. Red pandas. The animal kingdom is full of countless creatures—but if you were an animal, which one would you be? This animal personality quiz can help you find out! Just hit “Start Quiz” to see which animal best represents you!
[Edit]Questions Overview
What Animal Am I? Take this quiz to find out! Start Quiz Start Quiz Quizzes Are More Fun With Friends Share this quiz with your friends and compare results. Link copied! 1. Choose a (cheesy) inspirational quote: Live, Laugh, Love Keep Calm and Carry On But First, Coffee Donut Worry, Be Happy 2. What are your thoughts on Taylor Swift? Are you kidding? She is the music industry. I’m not a Swiftie, but I like her music just fine. I don’t have strong feelings about her or her music. I can’t stand her. 3. Do you like rollercoasters? Heck yeah! Put me in the front car, please. They’re fine, I guess. No, but my friends force me to go on them. Absolutely not. You couldn’t pay me to go on one! 4. In your opinion, what’s the best type of vacation? One where I get to stay home—no travel required! A vacation where I get to fly halfway across the world. A road trip with lots of stops along the way. A weekend trip to the coast. 5. What’s your biggest pet peeve? People who chew loudly. People who talk during the movies. People who crack their knuckles. People who always show up late. 6. What’s your idea of a fun second date? Something quiet, like a short nature hike. Something adventurous, like a trip to an ice rink. Something fun, like a night at home playing video games. Something classic, like dinner and a movie. 7. Someone just cut in front of you in line! What do you do? I call them out and ask them to wait their turn. I politely remind them that there’s a line. I clear my throat and hope that they notice. I say nothing. It’s not worth the trouble. 8. What room is a must-have in your dream house? A room where the walls and floors are trampolines. A movie theater. An indoor pool (complete with a water slide). A room so filled with plants that it's basically a jungle. 9. What type of gesture is most meaningful to you? Receiving a random but thoughtful gift. Being given a warm hug. Getting an unsolicited compliment. Someone making the time to be with me. 10. Which of these house pets would you most like to have? A dog A cat A guinea pig, rabbit, or ferret A parrot, reptile, or fish 11. What’s your go-to beverage in the morning? Milk Water Orange juice An energy drink or cup of coffee 12. Which strange event would you most like to experience? Spotting a UFO. Visiting a real haunted house. Meeting my long-lost twin. Switching bodies with someone else. 13. You won the mystery prize! You can choose from: A brown paper bag filled with pennies. A pickle that glows in the dark. A plush blanket with a clown on it. A cat-sized baseball cap. 14. What’s your preferred way to travel? On foot. I like the exercise! By car. See you soon! By bus. At least I don’t have to drive! By plane. What’s quicker than flying? 15. Which made-up reality TV show would you most like to watch? Beauty & the Feast: a beauty pageant and cooking competition rolled into one. Big Pupper: people adopt random puppies and see how big they grow in 6 months. The Amazing Space: a scavenger hunt in outer space. Don’t Forgetti the Spaghetti: a contest where people make spaghetti blindfolded. 16. Pick a stupid American law that either currently exists or used to exist: It’s illegal to stash an alligator in your bathtub. (Arkansas) It’s illegal to top your cherry pie with ice cream. (Kansas) It’s illegal to tap your toe to music in stores or restaurants. (New Hampshire) It’s illegal to lasso a fish. (Tennessee) Start Quiz More Quizzes What Lizard Am I Quiz What Dog Breed Am I Quiz What Mythical Creature Am I Quiz What Character Am I Quiz IQ Test For Kids What's My Theriotype Quiz Explore All Quizzes Did you like this quiz? Yes No The Official wikiHow Quiz Newsletter The Official wikiHow Quiz Newsletter Be the first to get new quizzes! Our expert quiz writers have something new and exciting for you every week. Sign Up Please enter a valid email. How toBe Kind to AnimalsHow toCommunicate with AnimalsHow toHelp Stop Cruelty Towards AnimalsHow toTrack Animals<""""""""><""><""><""""""><><><""><""><""""><><><><""""><><><><><""""""""""><""><""""""><""><><""><><""""""""><""""""""""><><><><><""><""><><""><><""""""><><><><""""""""><""><""><""""""><><><""><""><""""><><><><""""><><><><><""""""""""><""><""""""><""><><""><><><><""><""><><""><><""""""><><><><""""""><""><""><><><""""><""><""><""><><""><><""><><""""><""><><""""><><""><><""><><><><><""""><""><""><""><><""><><""><><><><""""""><><><><><""""><""><><""><""><""""><><><><""""><""><><><><""""><><><""><><""><><""><""""><><><><><""><><""""><><""""""><><><><><""><""><><""><><""><><""""""""""><><><><><""><""><""><><""><><""""""><""""><><""""><><""""><><""""><><""""""><""""><""""><""><><""""><><><><><><""""><><><><><""><""><""><""><><""><><><><><""><><""><><><><""""><><><><><><><""><><><""""><""><""""""><><""""""><><><""><><><""""><><><><><><""><><""><""><""><""><><""""""""><><><><><><><""><""><><""><""""><""><><""><><><><><><""""><><><><><><""><""""><><><><""""><""""><><""""><""><><""><><""><><><><>
[Edit]What Animal Am I? Matching Your Personality to an Animal
Having a unique personality is a wonderful part of the human experience—but they aren’t mutually exclusive. Creatures big and small within the animal kingdom can have a diverse range of personalities.
With that being said, specific personality traits are definitely attributed to certain animals more than others. Some of these traits have a lot to do with an animal’s natural instincts—like how a lion is known for being strong and fierce, or how elephants are known for being gentle and caring giants. And that's how animal personality quizzes like this match you with the perfect animal—by comparing your unique personality with all of the personalities found throughout the animal kingdom!
Here’s a closer look at certain animals and the personality traits commonly associated with them to help you get a better sense of which animal you are:
Dogs: Playful, curious, social, loyal, loving
Cats: Independent, hygienic, impulsive, curious
Rabbits: Sensitive, cautious, intelligent, affectionate, social
Goats: Stubborn, clever, outgoing, independent, smart
Dolphins: Social, smart, bold, fun, adventurous
Platypuses: Reserved, quiet, shy, independent
Zebras: Wild, confident, bold, feisty
Pandas: Gentle, sensitive, reserved, curious
Giraffes: Docile, sweet, intelligent, social
Sharks: Solitary, bold, fearless
Penguins: Calm, curious, friendly, playful
Kangaroos: Playful, gentle, curious, fun
Gazelles: Skittish, agile, cautious
Bats: Intelligent, affectionate, social
Gorillas: Bold, impulsive, adventurous, curious
Snakes: Independent, cautious, patient
[Edit]Want to learn more?
Want to learn a little more about the animal kingdom? Here are a few great resources to help you get started:
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