He Left His Wife Stranded At A Target After She Locked Herself Out Of Her Car Because He Was Sick Of Her Always Calling Him With Emergencies And Making Them His Problem

This 32-year-old guy and his wife, who’s 29, have been married for four years, and they have a 3-year-old son together.
While he thinks his wife is a good person, there’s something about her that really ticks him off: she is always in a “state of chaos,” and she makes every little issue his problem.
This usually happens when his wife calls him with “emergencies” multiple times each week.
“Flat tire? Call me at work. Forget her wallet? Call me. Grocery store out of her favorite oat milk? Blow up my phone like the world’s ending,” he explained.
According to him, the emergency calls are never-ending, and they are seriously taking a toll on him. He already works full-time and does a lot at home when it comes to caring for their son.
He’s responsible for diaper duty, bedtime stories, cleaning, cooking, and more. On top of his busy schedule, he can’t deal with his wife’s crises.
“I’ve told her before that unless it’s a real emergency, like someone bleeding or stuck on a highway at night, she needs to figure it out. I don’t have the bandwidth to drop everything constantly,” he said.
Well, his wife still didn’t get it, and just two days ago, he finally hit his breaking point.
At the time, he needed to take his son to the doctor because the toddler had an ear infection, and he was exhausted. Then, while he was sitting in the waiting room with his fussy son, his wife called him in total panic mode.
fizkes – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
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Apparently, she’d located herself out of her car in front of a Target, which was around five minutes from their house.
He tried telling his wife that he wasn’t able to leave and help her, so she’d have to call someone to open up her window.
She proceeded to freak out at him, claiming it would cost too much money and that she didn’t have enough cash on her. She also accused him of being unreasonable.
Nevertheless, he stood his ground and stated his wife needed to figure it out before hanging up the phone on her.
If you couldn’t have guessed, she was furious once he later arrived home. The guy his wife called to help her with the window wound up charging her $150, and she was livid that he didn’t just lend a hand.
“I told her, point blank, ‘I’m done rescuing you from things you can easily handle. You need to stop acting like everything is a disaster,'” he revealed.
Since he said that, his wife has barely been speaking to him and acting like he’s the “villain.”
His brother took his wife’s side and believed he was too harsh; meanwhile, his mom thought he had a right to set some boundaries.
Regardless, with so much tension in their relationship now, he’s wondering if leaving his wife stranded like that was justified or made him a jerk.
Can you understand why he was focused on his son at the time, not his wife or her car? Should she be able to deal with these situations on her own as an adult?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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