Billionaire Club Co llc is a unique platform where you can find everything you're looking for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The shared information and ideas cover stocks and markets, social life, fun, and more. We encourage a wide range of opinions and strong arguments, promoting a respectful, spam-free, and on-topic environment for all users.
To help ensure the best experience, we have developed the following guidelines areas, which defines unacceptable behaviors on the Apps and Platform. Violations of these rules will lead to the deletion of offending messages and, where deemed necessary, the permanent suspension of your account/profile and a ban from creating additional accounts or profile with us. So try to be mindful and respectful at all times.
Disagreement and debate about ideas are welcome, but always remember there is a person behind the post you're reading and try to respect their feelings or even yours at times. Cool it down whenever possible. Securities and Markets are encouraged here, as well as posting your personal ideas and more. However, no open sexual content, nudity, or inappropriate material is allowed. If at any time you want to have a showing, open a private group, keep it over the age of 18 and professional. This platform and app don't promote or condemn or endorse what goes on in people's personal groups or private chats. However, attacking other members or contributors is not a constructive form of debate.
The following behaviors are not permitted:
We understand that you may not like someone or something someone says. Instead of sending an abusive message, you can:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Due to Free Speech Law of America and different speech laws from around the world, we the owners, operators, and partners of Billionaire Club Co LLC do not endorse, support, or take responsibility for any paid billions or broke replies here. Each person that is posting is doing so of their own free will and is responsible for their own comments or written actions thereof.
This platform was built for Clean Fun and Entertainment Only and does not endorse Bullying or Harassment, Sexual Exploitive Actions, Hate Speech posts, or any posts that are not in clean actions or clean health at all. Post at your own leisure knowing that everyone here is over the age of 18 and adults who are old enough to control their own actions. Users should be able to hold an adult conversation; while there may be agreements and disagreements, it should not lead to privacy violations, harm, or any other bad actions towards anyone on here.
This platform, like all other social media, cannot be sued because of users’ posts due to Section 230 of the Federal Communications Decency Act.
Given their significant role in public discourse, it’s important to know the most popular social media platforms’ policies for moderating users and content. How do they compare to each other and to the First Amendment’s values? Here's a deeper dive into free speech on social media.
Each social media icon below provides a summary of the platform's policy for four primary categories -- hate speech, harassment, misinformation, and obscenity. For full policies, guidelines, and terms of service, navigate to the "related resources" section at the bottom of the page.
Hate speech is speech that offends or attacks people based on their identity or characteristics such as race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or disease.
The First Amendment protects hate speech from government censorship unless it falls into a recognized exception to the First Amendment such as incitement to imminent lawless action, true threats, fighting words, or defamation.
Many members who participate here are actively involved in the business of finance and markets, as well as all other areas in the world. You are able to connect globally in any language you choose; just click the flag. While we encourage participation from everyone, we ask that your actions on the site focus predominantly on sharing ideas and information, not on directly promoting products and services to other members or on trying to draw attention to yourself in ways that are product promotional.
Below are activities that we consider spam:
Your first 35 messages are restricted from tagged promotion of any kind in any area. Promotional content may only make up 3% or less of your posting volume. For 3 original posts with no promotion, you are afforded one tagged promotional post. Promotional content must include free and informative and/or actionable content. You may not manipulate your promotional post. You may not coerce other people to promote it for the sake of increased visibility. Offending posts will be removed, and your account may be suspended, disabled, and banned for life.
With any discussion about stocks or anything on the platform or app, it is critical to us here that there be no manipulation or misinformation, whether attempting to manipulate or not. We encourage members to disclose any areas related to your post as part of the discussion.
Sending messages with the intent of moving a stock, forex, crypto, or anything related on the website friend or FOE please use caution. The owners of this Platform are not responsible for any third-party messages, promotional stuff, or anything to that area or effect. Sending repeated overly positive or negative messages about a particular stock without new or substantive information. Spreading false rumors about a particular stock or anything else or person is not allowed. Distributing links to websites known to manipulate stocks or anything that can cause harm is not allowed. You may not impersonate executives of companies. You may not impersonate anyone or other pages not allowed. You may not coerce others to increase the visibility of your post. You may not create multiple accounts to message about a particular stock or anything else in any area is not allowed. Duplicate messages or otherwise violate these platform/app rules, and you will be banned. Any of these actions may result in suspension, lifetime ban.
You may not post nudity of any kind. Open a group, keep it private. No one under the correct age of 18 should be on here. You may not reveal personal information of anyone without their consent.
Don’t tag political messages. If you want to discuss politics, do not tag it with a cashtag.
Good/Acceptable Uses of Automated accounts
Bad Uses of Automated Accounts
Q: What qualifies as promotion?
A: Posting a link to a paid site or an advertisement for a product is promotion...
Q: What qualifies as an “Original Post” for the 1:10 rule?
A: An original post is defined as a post that offers news/information, actionable ideas, journal entry, or entertaining content.
Q: What qualifies as valuable or actionable information?
A: Meaningful content that is informative and/or useful to understanding or decision-making...
Q: What qualifies as coercion?
A: If you ask, pay, or otherwise force your following to like or reshare your post.
Q: If I have a question or problem, how do I contact Billionaire Club Co Llc?
A: Email [email protected].